Version 2024.01 valid from 12th of April 2024

The following Membership Terms and Conditions apply to the contract ("Contract") between Fitness24Seven Oy, business ID 2402161-5 ("F24S" and "We") and a named person ("Member") on the services provided by F24S to its Members. In addition to these Membership Terms and Conditions, F24S applies the applicable Rules of Conduct, and other terms and conditions of services and offers, which are available on our website (


1. Signing up as a Member

1.1. F24S’s membership is personal and the minimum age for entering into the contract and using the services is 18 years.

1.2. The contract requires presenting a valid ID card. For payment via e-invoice, a Finnish social security number and a Finnish bank account is required. 

1.3. Membership entitles the Member to use F24S facilities in Finland and Fitness24Seven facilities in other countries where F24S operates gyms directly or through its group companies – currently in Sweden, Norway, Thailand, and Colombia. Note that there may be local variations in the Rules of Conduct in different countries. 

F24S reserves the right to refuse to grant a membership to any person who:

    • are in debt to F24S or any of its group companies
    • have acted in breach of the F24S membership conditions or rules of conduct when previously using F24S services

2. Membership types

2.1. Regular – Regular membership gives the Member 24/7 access to all F24S facilities. 

2.2. Senior – Senior membership gives the Member 24/7 access to all F24S facilities. To register a senior membership, the Member must be at least 65 years old or alternatively, the Member must present a valid KELA certificate that states the member’s right to retirement pension or invalidity pension. 

2.2.1. If the Member is entitled to the Senior price on the basis of a KELA certificate entitling them to a periodic sickness allowance, the Member will receive the Senior price for on-going contract as long as they are entitled to the sickness allowance. On the expiry of the period of validity, the membership is automatically updated to the regular membership. The Senior price may be extended if the Member presents a new valid certificate issued by KELA. In case the certificate is presented after the membership type has already changed to regular or the upcoming month’s invoice or debit transaction has been created, the membership type and price will be adjusted from a month that has not yet been invoiced. There will be no retroactive price adjustments for Senior memberships. 

2.2.2. A fixed-term senior membership requires that the member’s certificate is valid for the entire duration of the fixed-term contract period.

2.3. Student Student membership gives the Member 24/7 access to all F24S facilities. To register a student membership, the Member must present a valid student card or other certificate approved by F24S. Information about approved certificates can be found from F24S website and at the gym reception.

2.3.1. In an on-going contract the Member will receive the student price for the date the student card is valid until. On the expiry of the period of validity, the membership is automatically updated to the regular membership. The student price may be extended if the Member presents a new valid student card. In case the student card is presented after the membership type has already changed to regular or the upcoming month’s invoice or debit transaction has been created, the membership type and price will be adjusted from a month that has not yet been invoiced. There will be no retroactive price adjustments for student memberships.

2.3.2. A fixed-term student membership requires that the member’s student card is valid for the entire duration of the fixed-term contract period.

2.4. If the Contract provides for the use of an entrance for persons with reduced mobility, the contract only applies to premises with a designated entrance for persons with reduced mobility. Access to these premises is 24 hours a day.

2.5. All membership types give the member the right to book group training classes in facilities that offer group training services during all times the membership access is valid.

3. Membership card, entrance and exit

3.1. F24S uses a digital membership card that the Member will get access to immediately after the membership registration by downloading F24S mobile app and logging in with their email address and password. 

3.2.If the Member cannot use the F24S app and digital membership card due to incompatible device or personal physical limitation or disability, F24S may in some cases issue a physical membership card for Member to use.

3.3. A temporary physical membership card is also issued in situations where the Member uses a facility where the entrance system is not yet compatible with the digital membership card. In this case, F24S reserves the right to terminate the right to use the physical membership card immediately after the entrance system of the facility has been renewed to be compatible with the digital membership card. 

3.4. The Member must always have the membership card when visiting the facility and register every entry and exit. With the digital membership card the registration is done by scanning a QR code. A physical membership card must be registered on the card reader. When the reception is closed, the registration takes place on the readers at the entrance. When the reception is open, the registration takes place on the QR-code or card reader located at the reception. 

3.5. The membership card is intended only for the member’s personal use and the Member is responsible for making sure that they alone have access to the membership card. The Member shall not let anyone else other than themselves in or out of F24S’s facilities. If the membership card is lost or someone other than the Member gains access to the member’s card, i.e. due to theft or loss of device, the Member must notify F24S immediately so that F24S can take measures to prevent misuse of the membership card. 

4. Contact information

The Member must inform F24S of any changes in contact and payment details (including name, e-mail address, telephone number and other information provided). All correspondence will be sent to the email address provided by the Member.

5. Contract period and cancellation of the contract

5.1. On-going membership contract

5.1.1. An on-going membership contract is a continuous contract that must be cancelled by a separate cancellation notice. The cancellation period for on-going membership contract is two (2) months from the day F24S receives the member’s cancellation notice. 

5.2. Fixed-term membership contract 

5.2.1. A fixed-term membership contract is valid for the period agreed in the contract and it ends automatically at the end of the agreed validity period.

5.2.2. In principle it is not possible to cancel a fixed-term membership contract. 

5.2.3. If the Member's circumstances change materially in a way that they could not have foreseen, the Member may cancel the fixed-term contract with two (2) months' notice period. It is the Member's responsibility to be able to provide the necessary evidence of the unexpected change in circumstances.

5.2.4. If the membership contract is signed through a benefit offered by the member’s employer and the employer is responsible for the membership’s fees, the membership contract cannot be cancelled.

5.3. Accident insurance

5.3.1. If the Member has opted to join the F24S group accident insurance, the contract period is defined by the membership contract period and the Member is insured during the time they are training at the F24S premises in Finland.

5.3.2. The insurer of the accident insurance is currently HDI Global Specialty Sverige Filial, business ID 516402-6345, and the insurance is in the name of Svedea AB. More information about the accident insurance can be found on the F24S website (

5.3.3. F24S reserves the right to change the insurance company provided that this can be done without changing the terms to the significant detriment of the member. Any change will be communicated to the Member within a reasonable time in advance.

5.4. Cancellation notice

5.4.1. The membership and insurance may be cancelled by the Member via MyPages that is located in F24S website. Alternatively, the Member may notify about the cancellation in writing to or via mail to: Fitness24Seven Oy, Customer Service, Mäkelänkatu 87, 00610 Helsinki. 

5.4.2. In principle, the cancellation is binding and cannot be undone. 

6. Membership fees and payment

6.1. The Member is personally reliable for all membership payments. This also applies if another person has been marked as payer for the membership.

6.2. Upon signing a new membership contract, the Member pays a start-up fee according to the pricelist valid at the time.

6.3. In case of a fixed-term contract, the membership fee is paid in advance and in full when the contract is signed. 

6.4. In case of an on-going contract, the membership fee is paid monthly via recurring card payment or e-invoice. Upcoming month’s membership fee is due on 29th of the previous month. The fee for accident insurance is due on the first day of each month for the current month’s accident insurance.

6.5. Terms for recurring card payment 

6.5.1. If the Member chooses to pay with recurring card payment, the Member is responsible for ensuring that the payment card (debit or credit) is activated and the fees agreed in the contract can be debited from the payment card during the validity period of this contract.

6.5.2. The fee is debited automatically on the agreed due date without a separate notification. In case the debit transaction on the due date fails, the debit attempt will be repeated no more than four (4) days after the due date.

6.6. Terms for e-invoicing 

6.6.1. If the Member chooses to pay with e-invoice, the Member must activate an e-invoicing permit on their personal online bank within three (3) days of the membership registration.

6.6.2. E-invoice is deliverable only to personal customers. It is not possible to deliver an e-invoice to a company.

6.6.3. The Member is responsible for receiving and paying the e-invoice by its due date. F24S does not send the invoice in any other form.

6.6.4. The Member is responsible for following their bank’s instructions related to the e-invoicing permit, including the general conditions. 

6.7. Sport benefits 

6.7.1. F24S accepts payments with sport benefits by various service providers. Accepted payment methods can be found from F24S website (  F24S follows the instructions given by the benefit service provider regarding the use of the sport benefit.

6.7.2. Using sport benefit for payment does not exempt the Member for activating the primary payment method agreed in this membership contract.

6.7.3. The minimum payment is for two (2) months and maximum for 12 months in advance at a time. Reminder and debt collection invoices or payments related to the accident insurance cannot be paid with a sport benefit. 

6.7.4. The payment must take place at the gym reception, F24S does not accept payments made remotely. Payments made with sport benefits are not refunded or compensated. 

6.8. Unpaid membership fees 

6.8.1. If the membership or accident insurance fee is not paid by the due date, F24S reserves the right to temporarily remove the member’s access to the facilities and services and transfer the unpaid fee to a collection agency.

6.8.2. Payment reminder and other collection activities will be carried out by the debt collection agency. The payment reminder will be sent via email to the email address the Member has registered to F24S. 

6.8.3. The Member's access to the F24S facilities and services may be reopened once the Member has made a full payment, including any interest on arrears and the legal costs of reminder and collection.

6.8.4. The removal of access due to an unpaid invoice does not affect the Member's obligation to pay for the period during which access to the F24S facilities and services was excluded during the contract’s validity period. 

7. Campaigns

7.1. If the membership contract is registered through a campaing or offer, additional terms and conditions apply together with the terms stated in this contract. 

7.2. The membership type and price will be automatically converted to a regular membership at the end of the agreed campaign period without separate notice.

8. F24S MyPages and App

8.1. After registering a membership contract, the Member will get access to F24S MyPages service and mobile app. Logging in to these platforms takes place with the email address registered to F24S and the password set by the member.

8.2. MyPages is available on the F24S website and through MyPages the Member can administrate their personal membership (i.e. cancellation).

8.3. F24S App can be downloaded from the device’s app store. Member will accept the additional terms of use when logging into the app for the first time.

8.4. Through the app the Member gets access to their digital membership card. Booking group training classes and managing these bookings takes place through the app.

8.5. It is possible to log into the app with only one device at a time (”Main device”). The main device can be replaced by the Member every six (6) months. In case it is necessary to replace the main device outside the given time limit, the Member must contact F24S customer service.

8.6. F24S manages and maintains MyPages and app and does everything to ensure that these services are available to the Member without interruption. There may be temporary interruptions in the availability of the service, i.e. due to updates and maintenance work. In case of possible outages or issues related to using these services affect the Member, the Member must immediately contact F24S’s customer service to resolve the situation.

9. Loyalty program

9.1. F24S offers members a loyalty program with three levels: Blue, Gold and Black. 

9.2. The loyalty program includes changing benefits and offers that are specifically targeted at members with a certain loyalty level. Additional terms and conditions apply to these campaigns and offers.

9.3. The Member will reach the first loyalty level, Blue, upon membership registration. Achieving the Gold level reguires three (3) years continuous membership. The Member will reach the black level after seven (7) years of continuous membership. Membership is considered as continuous only if there is a maximum of seven (7) days break between different membership contracts. 

9.4. If the Member registeres a new membership contract more than seven (7) days after the previous contract has ended, the previous loyalty benefit level will be changed back to the blue loyalty level. 

10. Changes to an active membership

10.1. Freezing the membership

10.1.1. The Membership can be frozen with a service fee or free of charge if the Member provides a certificate from healthcare professional that Member is unable to exercise during the requested freezing period. Membership can also be frozen free of charge by presenting proof of unemployment, or military service. 

10.1.2. The Contract may be frozen for a maximum period of twelve (12) months at a time. At the end of the freezing period, the membership is automatically activated without a separate notice. It is not possible to freeze the membership retroactively.

10.1.3. The Member must store the confirmation of the freezing carefully and, if necessary, present it later at the request of F24S.

10.1.4. If the freezing is agreed after the upcoming month’s invoice or debit transaction has been created the payment for upcoming month’s work out fee and insurance must be paid normally. All paid work out time during a freezing period will be saved and compensated automatically after the freezing ends. Please note that the freezing and cancellation periods may not be active at the same time.

10.2. Transfer of membership

10.2.1. A regular priced, fixed-term membership contract can be transferred to another person once per contract validity period. The Member receiving the transferred membership cannot transfer the contract forward. On-going membership contracts and contracts signed through a campaign or an offer cannot be transferred. 

10.2.2. The Member receiving the transferrable membership must fulfil the terms of the transferrable contract, which may be related to i.e. student or senior memberships or membership for company employees.

10.2.3. When transferring a membership, the transferring Member must pay a transfer fee to F24S in accordance with the current price list. The Member receiving the membership, must pay the start-up fee in accordance with the current price list and accept these contract terms in writing and F24S must accept the person as a Member.

10.2.4. If the membership contract is signed through a benefit offered by the member’s employer and the employer is responsible for the membership’s fees, the employer has the right to transfer the membership to another person in accordance with its own terms and conditions of employee benefits. 

11. Right of withdrawal

11.1. If the Member has registered the membership contract remotely i.e. via F24S website, the Member has, according to chapter 6, section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act, a right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of the purchase by notifying F24S. If the contract is signed at F24S’s facilities or other fixed or movable sales location (i.e. fairs) there is no right of withdrawal.

11.2. The 14 days right of withdrawal starts from the day after signing the contract even if the Member has not yet used F24S membership services. 

11.3. To exercise the right of withdrawal the Member must notify F24S in writing by sending an email to Alternatively the Member may also use the model document provided by the Ministry of Justice Decree 110/2014 on the website of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority.

11.4. The Member must stop using F24S services immediately after exercising their right of withdrawal.

11.5. After receiving the member’s request for using their right of withdrawal, F24S sends a confirmation of the termination of the contract and the return of payments related to the contract. F24S has the right to charge the Member all fees included in the contract to the extent that the Member has used F24S services before issuing the request for withdrawal. 

12. Rules of conduct at the gym

F24S is committed to equality for all people. F24S expects all its Members to treat each other and F24S staff with fairness and respect regardless of gender, gender identity, disability, ethnic origin, belief, sexual orientation or age. F24S has zero-tolerance for actions that members and staff may find offensive or degrading. This includes words, body language, clothing, and other forms of expression. Only clean workout clothes are permitted. Exercise is not permitted in bare torso, bare feet, jeans or work clothes. The facilities are intended for training-related activities and may be used by the Member solely for that purpose. For example, Members may not sleep or otherwise improperly stay on the premises. It is the Member's responsibility to comply with the Rules of Conduct in force and to comply with any instructions given by F24S staff, either verbally or in writing, concerning training methods and the use of equipment. Members are expected to behave at all times in a manner that does not disturb other Members, residents of the same property as F24S, or F24S staff and suppliers.

13. Prohibition to advertise and engage in competitive activities in F24S premises

F24S staff has the exclusive right to coach members in the facilities. The Member may not engage in competing or own business (i.e. by offering coaching or selling training-related equipment or services) or advertise any services or products of other companies without F24S’s written permission.

14. Camera surveillance and other surveillance

14.1. For safety reasons, all F24S facilities are under a 24 hour camera surveillance.

14.2. Security guards and F24S staff perform membership card checks. If the Member cannot present a membership card during this check, the Member may be removed from the premises.

14.3. In case of any problems or emergencies at the facilities, the Member must call the 24 hour security helpline. The number for security helpline is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit.

15. Personal data

15.1. F24S processes the Member's personal data in accordance with the effective F24S privacy policy and applicable legislation. The Member shall be informed of any significant changes to such practices. 

15.2. The Member declares that they have read and understood the effective F24S privacy policy at the time of signing the contract (

15.3. The Member has been informed that the entrance and the premises are monitored by camera surveillance for security reasons.

16. Limitation of liability

16.1. The Member is responsible for ensuring that their health condition is such that they can safely participate in F24S activities. F24S reserves the right to deny the service for a member, if the member’s training causes an obvious risk to their health. 

16.2. F24S is not liable for personal injury, damage to property or loss of property of a member, unless such injury or loss is caused by the gross negligence of F24S.

16.3. Keeping things in the gym's lockers is only allowed during training. The customer is responsible for the safe storage of his own belongings by using his own self-provided padlock. The member must hand over the locker to others when leaving the gym.

16.4. It is forbidden to use a lock made of hardened steel, because it cannot be broken in emergency situations. In all cases, the customer is responsible for all costs related to opening their own lock or assistance in opening it, if the lock cannot be opened.

16.5. F24S is not liable for the member’s or visitor’s valuables. F24S reserves the right to break any locks in the lockers if there’s a reasonable suspect that the Member is storing their belongings or otherwise reserving the locker after exiting the facility. In this case F24S will not be responsible for replacing the lock. 

16.6. Any items left at the facilities are handled in accordance with the Lost Property Act. 

17. Repair and maintenance

17.1. Occasionally F24S carries out maintenance work on the premises, as well as repairs, maintenance and equipment replacements, which may lead to temporary deviations in usability and opening hours of the facility. F24S shall notify the Member by reasonable notice in advance on the premises or via email if the measures are likely to cause inconvenience to the member.

17.2. Since membership gives the Member the right to use all F24S facilities, the Member is not entitled to cancel their contract or claim a reduction of the membership fee due to mentioned repair or maintenance work.

18. Changes to membership terms and services offered

18.1. F24S reserves the right to make changes to the membership contract's membership fees, other fees and these terms and conditions. 

18.2. If changes are made to the membership fees or terms and conditions that are detrimental to the member, the Member will be notified by e-mail or SMS at least one (1) month before the change takes effect.

18.3. Since the membership gives the Member the right to use all F24S gyms, the Member is not entitled to cancel their contract or claim a reduction of the membership fee due to changes in the F24S offerings, unless the changes cause significant inconvenience to the Member.

18.4. Members who cancel their contract due to such change are protected from any price change during the cancellation period. If the Member cancels their contract under this paragraph, the Member shall be able to prove in writing that cancellation has occurred.

19. Force majeure

F24S shall not be liable for any reduction or limitation of the service provided by F24S to a Member due to an event beyond the control of F24S which F24S could not reasonably have prevented or foreseen (including but not limited to: pandemic, strike, industrial action, fire, flood, riot, government order or regulation, or terrorism).

20. Breach of contract

20.1. If the Member breaches these membership contract terms, F24S reserves the right to limit the use of facilities, services or parts of services, cancel the contract or terminate the contract with immediate affect. 

20.2. In case F24S limits the use of facilities, services or parts of services, this does not remove the members’ obligation to pay agreed membership fees during the period these restrictions are in effect. Possible payments based on the contract that may have been paid in advance will not be refunded or compensated in any other way.

20.3. If F24S cancels the membership contract, a two (2) month cancellation period will be taking place according to the contract and the member’s obligation to pay membership fees will continue until the end of the cancellation period.

20.4. F24S has the right to terminate and remove member’s access to the services immediately, if the Member commits a significant breach of contract. Possible payments based on the contract that may have been paid in advance will not be refunded or compensated in any other way.

20.5. If the member's breach of contract causes damage to F24S, F24S shall be entitled to claim compensation from the Member for the damage caused to F24S.

21. Dispute resolution

21.1. If a Member believes that the service purchased from F24S is faulty in accordance with this contract, the Member must, within a reasonable time after noticing the fault, notify in writing of the procedure they consider faulty.

21.2. If a Member believes that the service purchased is faulty, but F24S disagrees, there is a disagreement between the parties. Disagreements are primarily sought to be resolved through negotiation between the parties. As a consumer, in such situation, the Member has the right to also turn to Consumer Advisory Services and then, if necessary, bring the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board for resolution. The contact information to Consumer Advisory Services is available on their website ( The contact information for the Consumer Disputes Board and instructions for initiating proceedings are available at: Consumers also have the option to bring the dispute to the attention of the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR) maintained by the European Commission.

21.3. The parties may also turn to the general court if a dispute arises from the contract that the parties have not been able to resolve themselves. If the matter needs to be brought to court for resolution, it will be heard in the district court where the Member has their place of domicile or permanent residence.